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29.8 System Analysis-Frequency Domain

Demonstration/tutorial script

— Function File: frdemo ()

Octave Control Toolbox demo: Frequency Response demo.

— Function File: [mag, phase, w] = bode (sys, w, out_idx, in_idx)

If no output arguments are given: produce Bode plots of a system; otherwise, compute the frequency response of a system data structure


a system data structure (must be either purely continuous or discrete; see is_digital)
frequency values for evaluation.

if sys is continuous, then bode evaluates G(jw) where G(s) is the system transfer function.

if sys is discrete, then bode evaluates G(exp(jwT)), where

  • T is the system sampling time
  • G(z) is the system transfer function.

Default the default frequency range is selected as follows: (These steps are not performed if w is specified)

  1. via routine __bodquist__, isolate all poles and zeros away from w=0 (jw=0 or exp(jwT)=1) and select the frequency range based on the breakpoint locations of the frequencies.
  2. if sys is discrete time, the frequency range is limited to jwT in [0,2 pi /T]
  3. A "smoothing" routine is used to ensure that the plot phase does not change excessively from point to point and that singular points (e.g., crossovers from +/- 180) are accurately shown.

The names or indices of outputs and inputs to be used in the frequency response. See sysprune.


               bode(sys,[],"y_3", {"u_1","u_4"});
the magnitude and phase of the frequency response G(jw) or G(exp(jwT)) at the selected frequency values.
the vector of frequency values used
  1. If no output arguments are given, e.g.,

    bode plots the results to the screen. Descriptive labels are automatically placed.

    Failure to include a concluding semicolon will yield some garbage being printed to the screen (ans = []).

  2. If the requested plot is for an MIMO system, mag is set to ||G(jw)|| or ||G(exp(jwT))|| and phase information is not computed.

— Function File: [wmin, wmax] = bode_bounds (zer, pol, dflg, tsam)

Get default range of frequencies based on cutoff frequencies of system poles and zeros. Frequency range is the interval [10^wmin, 10^wmax]

Used internally in __freqresp__ (bode, nyquist)

— Function File: freqchkw (w)

Used by __freqresp__ to check that input frequency vector w is valid. Returns boolean value.

— Function File: out = ltifr (a, b, w)
— Function File: out = ltifr (sys, w)

Linear time invariant frequency response of single-input systems.


coefficient matrices of dx/dt = A x + B u
system data structure
vector of frequencies
frequency response, that is:
                       G(s) = (jw I-A) B

for complex frequencies s = jw.

— Function File: [realp, imagp, w] = nyquist (sys, w, out_idx, in_idx, atol)
— Function File: nyquist (sys, w, out_idx, in_idx, atol)

Produce Nyquist plots of a system; if no output arguments are given, Nyquist plot is printed to the screen.

Compute the frequency response of a system.

Inputs (pass as empty to get default values)

system data structure (must be either purely continuous or discrete; see is_digital)
frequency values for evaluation. If sys is continuous, then bode evaluates G(jw); if sys is discrete, then bode evaluates G(exp(jwT)), where T is the system sampling time.
the default frequency range is selected as follows: (These steps are not performed if w is specified)
  1. via routine __bodquist__, isolate all poles and zeros away from w=0 (jw=0 or exp(jwT)=1) and select the frequency range based on the breakpoint locations of the frequencies.
  2. if sys is discrete time, the frequency range is limited to jwT in [0,2p*pi]
  3. A “smoothing” routine is used to ensure that the plot phase does not change excessively from point to point and that singular points (e.g., crossovers from +/- 180) are accurately shown.

for interactive nyquist plots: atol is a change-in-slope tolerance for the of asymptotes (default = 0; 1e-2 is a good choice). This allows the user to “zoom in” on portions of the Nyquist plot too small to be seen with large asymptotes.
the real and imaginary parts of the frequency response G(jw) or G(exp(jwT)) at the selected frequency values.
the vector of frequency values used

If no output arguments are given, nyquist plots the results to the screen. If atol != 0 and asymptotes are detected then the user is asked interactively if they wish to zoom in (remove asymptotes) Descriptive labels are automatically placed.

Note: if the requested plot is for an MIMO system, a warning message is presented; the returned information is of the magnitude ||G(jw)|| or ||G(exp(jwT))|| only; phase information is not computed.

— Function File: [zer, gain] = tzero (a, b, c, d, opt)
— Function File: [zer, gain] = tzero (sys, opt)

Compute transmission zeros of a continuous system:

          x = Ax + Bu
          y = Cx + Du

or of a discrete one:

          x(k+1) = A x(k) + B u(k)
          y(k)   = C x(k) + D u(k)


transmission zeros of the system
leading coefficient (pole-zero form) of SISO transfer function returns gain=0 if system is multivariable
  1. Emami-Naeini and Van Dooren, Automatica, 1982.
  2. Hodel, Computation of Zeros with Balancing, 1992 Lin. Alg. Appl.

— Function File: zr = tzero2 (a, b, c, d, bal)

Compute the transmission zeros of a, b, c, d.

bal = balancing option (see balance); default is "B".

Needs to incorporate mvzero algorithm to isolate finite zeros; use tzero instead.