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Determine axis limits for 2-D data (column vectors); leaves a 10% margin around the plots. Inserts margins of +/- 0.1 if data is one-dimensional (or a single point).
- axdata
- n by 2 matrix of data [x, y].
- axvec
- Vector of axis limits appropriate for call to axis function.
Prompt user to continue
- str
- Input string. Its default value is:
\n ---- Press a key to continue ---
Displays root locus plot of the specified SISO system.
----- --- -------- --->| + |---|k|---->| SISO |-----------> ----- --- -------- | - ^ | |_____________________________|Inputs
- sys
- system data structure
- min_k
- Minimum value of k
- max_k
- Maximum value of k
- increment
- The increment used in computing gain values
Plots the root locus to the screen.
- rldata
- Data points plotted: in column 1 real values, in column 2 the imaginary values.
- k
- Gains for real axis break points.
Sort a complex vector.
- xx
- Complex vector
- opt
- sorting option:
if opt is not chosen as
- Real part (default);
- By magnitude;
- By imaginary part.
, then complex conjugate pairs are grouped together, a - jb followed by a + jb.Outputs
- yy
- Sorted values
- idx
- Permutation vector:
yy = xx(idx)
Conversion from tranfer function to state-space. The state space system:
. x = Ax + Bu y = Cx + Duis converted to a transfer function:
num(s) G(s)=------- den(s)used internally in system data structure format manipulations.
Converts a state space representation to a set of poles and zeros; k is a gain associated with the zeros.
Used internally in system data structure format manipulations.
Redheffer star product or upper/lower LFT, respectively.
+-------+ --------->| |---------> | P | +--->| |---+ ny | +-------+ | +-------------------+ | | +----------------+ | | | | +-------+ | +--->| |------+ nu | K | --------->| |---------> +-------+If ny and nu “consume” all inputs and outputs of K then the result is a lower fractional transformation. If ny and nu “consume” all inputs and outputs of P then the result is an upper fractional transformation.
ny and/or nu may be negative (i.e. negative feedback).
Conversion from tranfer function to state-space. The state space system:
. x = Ax + Bu y = Cx + Duis obtained from a transfer function:
num(s) G(s)=------- den(s)The vector den must contain only one row, whereas the vector num may contain as many rows as there are outputs y of the system. The state space system matrices obtained from this function will be in controllable canonical form as described in Modern Control Theory, (Brogan, 1991).
Converts transfer functions to poles-and-zero representations.
Returns the zeros and poles of the SISO system defined by num/den. k is a gain associated with the system zeros.
Conversion from zero / pole to state space.
- zer
- pol
- Vectors of (possibly) complex poles and zeros of a transfer function. Complex values must come in conjugate pairs (i.e., x+jy in zer means that x-jy is also in zer). The number of zeros must not exceed the number of poles.
- k
- Real scalar (leading coefficient).
- a
- b
- c
- d
- The state space system, in the form:
. x = Ax + Bu y = Cx + Du