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C. A Graph with Labelled Axes

Printed axes help you understand a graph. They convey scale. In an earlier chapter (see section Readying a Graph), we wrote the code to print the body of a graph. Here we write the code for printing and labelling vertical and horizontal axes, along with the body itself.

Labelled Example Graph  
C.1 The print-graph Varlist  let expression in print-graph.
C.2 The print-Y-axis Function  Print a label for the vertical axis.
C.3 The print-X-axis Function  Print a horizontal label.
C.4 Printing the Whole Graph  The function to print a complete graph.

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Labelled Example Graph

Since insertions fill a buffer to the right and below point, the new graph printing function should first print the Y or vertical axis, then the body of the graph, and finally the X or horizontal axis. This sequence lays out for us the contents of the function:

  1. Set up code.

  2. Print Y axis.

  3. Print body of graph.

  4. Print X axis.

Here is an example of how a finished graph should look:

    10 -
                  *  *
                  *  **
                  *  ***
     5 -      *   *******
            * *** *******
     1 - ****************
         |   |    |    |
         1   5   10   15

In this graph, both the vertical and the horizontal axes are labelled with numbers. However, in some graphs, the horizontal axis is time and would be better labelled with months, like this:

     5 -      *
            * ** *
          ********** **
     1 - **************
         |    ^      |
         Jan  June   Jan

Indeed, with a little thought, we can easily come up with a variety of vertical and horizontal labelling schemes. Our task could become complicated. But complications breed confusion. Rather than permit this, it is better choose a simple labelling scheme for our first effort, and to modify or replace it later.

These considerations suggest the following outline for the print-graph function:

(defun print-graph (numbers-list)
  (let ((height  ...
    (print-Y-axis height ... )
    (graph-body-print numbers-list)
    (print-X-axis ... )))

We can work on each part of the print-graph function definition in turn.

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C.1 The print-graph Varlist

In writing the print-graph function, the first task is to write the varlist in the let expression. (We will leave aside for the moment any thoughts about making the function interactive or about the contents of its documentation string.)

The varlist should set several values. Clearly, the top of the label for the vertical axis must be at least the height of the graph, which means that we must obtain this information here. Note that the print-graph-body function also requires this information. There is no reason to calculate the height of the graph in two different places, so we should change print-graph-body from the way we defined it earlier to take advantage of the calculation.

Similarly, both the function for printing the X axis labels and the print-graph-body function need to learn the value of the width of each symbol. We can perform the calculation here and change the definition for print-graph-body from the way we defined it in the previous chapter.

The length of the label for the horizontal axis must be at least as long as the graph. However, this information is used only in the function that prints the horizontal axis, so it does not need to be calculated here.

These thoughts lead us directly to the following form for the varlist in the let for print-graph:

(let ((height (apply 'max numbers-list)) ; First version.
      (symbol-width (length graph-blank)))

As we shall see, this expression is not quite right.

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C.2 The print-Y-axis Function

The job of the print-Y-axis function is to print a label for the vertical axis that looks like this:

    10 -

     5 -

     1 -

The function should be passed the height of the graph, and then should construct and insert the appropriate numbers and marks.

It is easy enough to see in the figure what the Y axis label should look like; but to say in words, and then to write a function definition to do the job is another matter. It is not quite true to say that we want a number and a tic every five lines: there are only three lines between the `1' and the `5' (lines 2, 3, and 4), but four lines between the `5' and the `10' (lines 6, 7, 8, and 9). It is better to say that we want a number and a tic mark on the base line (number 1) and then that we want a number and a tic on the fifth line from the bottom and on every line that is a multiple of five.

What height should the label be?  What height for the Y axis?
C.2.1 Side Trip: Compute a Remainder  How to compute the remainder of a division.
C.2.2 Construct a Y Axis Element  Construct a line for the Y axis.
C.2.3 Create a Y Axis Column  Generate a list of Y axis labels.
C.2.4 The Not Quite Final Version of print-Y-axis  A not quite final version.

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What height should the label be?

The next issue is what height the label should be? Suppose the maximum height of tallest column of the graph is seven. Should the highest label on the Y axis be `5 -', and should the graph stick up above the label? Or should the highest label be `7 -', and mark the peak of the graph? Or should the highest label be 10 -, which is a multiple of five, and be higher than the topmost value of the graph?

The latter form is preferred. Most graphs are drawn within rectangles whose sides are an integral number of steps long--5, 10, 15, and so on for a step distance of five. But as soon as we decide to use a step height for the vertical axis, we discover that the simple expression in the varlist for computing the height is wrong. The expression is (apply 'max numbers-list). This returns the precise height, not the maximum height plus whatever is necessary to round up to the nearest multiple of five. A more complex expression is required.

As usual in cases like this, a complex problem becomes simpler if it is divided into several smaller problems.

First, consider the case when the highest value of the graph is an integral multiple of five--when it is 5, 10, 15 ,or some higher multiple of five. We can use this value as the Y axis height.

A fairly simply way to determine whether a number is a multiple of five is to divide it by five and see if the division results in a remainder. If there is no remainder, the number is a multiple of five. Thus, seven divided by five has a remainder of two, and seven is not an integral multiple of five. Put in slightly different language, more reminiscent of the classroom, five goes into seven once, with a remainder of two. However, five goes into ten twice, with no remainder: ten is an integral multiple of five.

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C.2.1 Side Trip: Compute a Remainder

In Lisp, the function for computing a remainder is %. The function returns the remainder of its first argument divided by its second argument. As it happens, % is a function in Emacs Lisp that you cannot discover using apropos: you find nothing if you type M-x apropos RET remainder RET. The only way to learn of the existence of % is to read about it in a book such as this or in the Emacs Lisp sources. The % function is used in the code for rotate-yank-pointer, which is described in an appendix. (See section The Body of rotate-yank-pointer.)

You can try the % function by evaluating the following two expressions:

(% 7 5)

(% 10 5)

The first expression returns 2 and the second expression returns 0.

To test whether the returned value is zero or some other number, we can use the zerop function. This function returns t if its argument, which must be a number, is zero.

(zerop (% 7 5))
     => nil

(zerop (% 10 5))
     => t

Thus, the following expression will return t if the height of the graph is evenly divisible by five:

(zerop (% height 5))

(The value of height, of course, can be found from (apply 'max numbers-list).)

On the other hand, if the value of height is not a multiple of five, we want to reset the value to the next higher multiple of five. This is straightforward arithmetic using functions with which we are already familiar. First, we divide the value of height by five to determine how many times five goes into the number. Thus, five goes into twelve twice. If we add one to this quotient and multiply by five, we will obtain the value of the next multiple of five that is larger than the height. Five goes into twelve twice. Add one to two, and multiply by five; the result is fifteen, which is the next multiple of five that is higher than twelve. The Lisp expression for this is:

(* (1+ (/ height 5)) 5)

For example, if you evaluate the following, the result is 15:

(* (1+ (/ 12 5)) 5)

All through this discussion, we have been using `five' as the value for spacing labels on the Y axis; but we may want to use some other value. For generality, we should replace `five' with a variable to which we can assign a value. The best name I can think of for this variable is Y-axis-label-spacing.

Using this term, and an if expression, we produce the following:

(if (zerop (% height Y-axis-label-spacing))
  ;; else
  (* (1+ (/ height Y-axis-label-spacing))

This expression returns the value of height itself if the height is an even multiple of the value of the Y-axis-label-spacing or else it computes and returns a value of height that is equal to the next higher multiple of the value of the Y-axis-label-spacing.

We can now include this expression in the let expression of the print-graph function (after first setting the value of Y-axis-label-spacing):

(defvar Y-axis-label-spacing 5
  "Number of lines from one Y axis label to next.")

(let* ((height (apply 'max numbers-list))
        (if (zerop (% height Y-axis-label-spacing))
          ;; else
          (* (1+ (/ height Y-axis-label-spacing))
       (symbol-width (length graph-blank))))

(Note use of the let* function: the initial value of height is computed once by the (apply 'max numbers-list) expression and then the resulting value of height is used to compute its final value. See section The let* expression, for more about let*.)

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C.2.2 Construct a Y Axis Element

When we print the vertical axis, we want to insert strings such as `5 -' and `10 - ' every five lines. Moreover, we want the numbers and dashes to line up, so shorter numbers must be padded with leading spaces. If some of the strings use two digit numbers, the strings with single digit numbers must include a leading blank space before the number.

To figure out the length of the number, the length function is used. But the length function works only with a string, not with a number. So the number has to be converted from being a number to being a string. This is done with the number-to-string function. For example,

(length (number-to-string 35))
     => 2

(length (number-to-string 100))
     => 3

(number-to-string is also called int-to-string; you will see this alternative name in various sources.)

In addition, in each label, each number is followed by a string such as ` - ', which we will call the Y-axis-tic marker. This variable is defined with defvar:

(defvar Y-axis-tic " - "
   "String that follows number in a Y axis label.")

The length of the Y label is the sum of the length of the Y axis tic mark and the length of the number of the top of the graph.

(length (concat (number-to-string height) Y-axis-tic)))

This value will be calculated by the print-graph function in its varlist as full-Y-label-width and passed on. (Note that we did not think to include this in the varlist when we first proposed it.)

To make a complete vertical axis label, a tic mark is concatenated with a number; and the two together may be preceded by one or more spaces depending on how long the number is. The label consists of three parts: the (optional) leading spaces, the number, and the tic mark. The function is passed the value of the number for the specific row, and the value of the width of the top line, which is calculated (just once) by print-graph.

(defun Y-axis-element (number full-Y-label-width)
  "Construct a NUMBERed label element.
A numbered element looks like this `  5 - ',
and is padded as needed so all line up with
the element for the largest number."
  (let* ((leading-spaces
         (- full-Y-label-width
             (concat (number-to-string number)
     (make-string leading-spaces ? )
     (number-to-string number)

The Y-axis-element function concatenates together the leading spaces, if any; the number, as a string; and the tic mark.

To figure out how many leading spaces the label will need, the function subtracts the actual length of the label--the length of the number plus the length of the tic mark--from the desired label width.

Blank spaces are inserted using the make-string function. This function takes two arguments: the first tells it how long the string will be and the second is a symbol for the character to insert, in a special format. The format is a question mark followed by a blank space, like this, `? '. See section `Character Type' in The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, for a description of the syntax for characters.

The number-to-string function is used in the concatenation expression, to convert the number to a string that is concatenated with the leading spaces and the tic mark.

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C.2.3 Create a Y Axis Column

The preceding functions provide all the tools needed to construct a function that generates a list of numbered and blank strings to insert as the label for the vertical axis:

(defun Y-axis-column (height width-of-label)
  "Construct list of Y axis labels and blank strings.
For HEIGHT of line above base and WIDTH-OF-LABEL."
  (let (Y-axis)
    (while (> height 1)
      (if (zerop (% height Y-axis-label-spacing))
          ;; Insert label.
          (setq Y-axis
                 (Y-axis-element height width-of-label)
        ;; Else, insert blanks.
        (setq Y-axis
               (make-string width-of-label ? )
      (setq height (1- height)))
    ;; Insert base line.
    (setq Y-axis
          (cons (Y-axis-element 1 width-of-label) Y-axis))
    (nreverse Y-axis)))

In this function, we start with the value of height and repetitively subtract one from its value. After each subtraction, we test to see whether the value is an integral multiple of the Y-axis-label-spacing. If it is, we construct a numbered label using the Y-axis-element function; if not, we construct a blank label using the make-string function. The base line consists of the number one followed by a tic mark.

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C.2.4 The Not Quite Final Version of print-Y-axis

The list constructed by the Y-axis-column function is passed to the print-Y-axis function, which inserts the list as a column.

(defun print-Y-axis (height full-Y-label-width)
  "Insert Y axis using HEIGHT and FULL-Y-LABEL-WIDTH.
Height must be the maximum height of the graph.
Full width is the width of the highest label element."
;; Value of height and full-Y-label-width
;; are passed by `print-graph'.
  (let ((start (point)))
     (Y-axis-column height full-Y-label-width))
    ;; Place point ready for inserting graph.
    (goto-char start)
    ;; Move point forward by value of full-Y-label-width
    (forward-char full-Y-label-width)))

The print-Y-axis uses the insert-rectangle function to insert the Y axis labels created by the Y-axis-column function. In addition, it places point at the correct position for printing the body of the graph.

You can test print-Y-axis:

  1. Install


  2. Copy the following expression:

    (print-Y-axis 12 5)

  3. Switch to the `*scratch*' buffer and place the cursor where you want the axis labels to start.

  4. Type M-: (eval-expression).

  5. Yank the graph-body-print expression into the minibuffer with C-y (yank).

  6. Press RET to evaluate the expression.

Emacs will print labels vertically, the top one being `10 - '. (The print-graph function will pass the value of height-of-top-line, which in this case would end up as 15.)

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C.3 The print-X-axis Function

X axis labels are much like Y axis labels, except that the tics are on a line above the numbers. Labels should look like this:

    |   |    |    |
    1   5   10   15

The first tic is under the first column of the graph and is preceded by several blank spaces. These spaces provide room in rows above for the Y axis labels. The second, third, fourth, and subsequent tics are all spaced equally, according to the value of X-axis-label-spacing.

The second row of the X axis consists of numbers, preceded by several blank spaces and also separated according to the value of the variable X-axis-label-spacing.

The value of the variable X-axis-label-spacing should itself be measured in units of symbol-width, since you may want to change the width of the symbols that you are using to print the body of the graph without changing the ways the graph is labelled.

Similarities and differences  Much like print-Y-axis, but not exactly.
C.3.1 X Axis Tic Marks  Create tic marks for the horizontal axis.

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Similarities and differences

The print-X-axis function is constructed in more or less the same fashion as the print-Y-axis function except that it has two lines: the line of tic marks and the numbers. We will write a separate function to print each line and then combine them within the print-X-axis function.

This is a three step process:

  1. Write a function to print the X axis tic marks, print-X-axis-tic-line.

  2. Write a function to print the X numbers, print-X-axis-numbered-line.

  3. Write a function to print both lines, the print-X-axis function, using print-X-axis-tic-line and print-X-axis-numbered-line.

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C.3.1 X Axis Tic Marks

The first function should print the X axis tic marks. We must specify the tic marks themselves and their spacing:

(defvar X-axis-label-spacing
  (if (boundp 'graph-blank)
      (* 5 (length graph-blank)) 5)
  "Number of units from one X axis label to next.")

(Note that the value of graph-blank is set by another defvar. The boundp predicate checks whether it has already been set; boundp returns nil if it has not. If graph-blank were unbound and we did not use this conditional construction, in GNU Emacs 21, we would enter the debugger and see an error message saying `Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable graph-blank)'.)

Here is the defvar for X-axis-tic-symbol:

(defvar X-axis-tic-symbol "|"
  "String to insert to point to a column in X axis.")

The goal is to make a line that looks like this:

       |   |    |    |

The first tic is indented so that it is under the first column, which is indented to provide space for the Y axis labels.

A tic element consists of the blank spaces that stretch from one tic to the next plus a tic symbol. The number of blanks is determined by the width of the tic symbol and the X-axis-label-spacing.

The code looks like this:

;;; X-axis-tic-element
  ;; Make a string of blanks.
  (-  (* symbol-width X-axis-label-spacing)
      (length X-axis-tic-symbol))
  ? )
 ;; Concatenate blanks with tic symbol.

Next, we determine how many blanks are needed to indent the first tic mark to the first column of the graph. This uses the value of full-Y-label-width passed it by the print-graph function.

The code to make X-axis-leading-spaces looks like this:

;; X-axis-leading-spaces
(make-string full-Y-label-width ? )

We also need to determine the length of the horizontal axis, which is the length of the numbers list, and the number of tics in the horizontal axis:

;; X-length
(length numbers-list)

;; tic-width
(* symbol-width X-axis-label-spacing)

;; number-of-X-tics
(if (zerop (% (X-length tic-width)))
    (/ (X-length tic-width))
  (1+ (/ (X-length tic-width))))

All this leads us directly to the function for printing the X axis tic line:

(defun print-X-axis-tic-line
  (number-of-X-tics X-axis-leading-spaces X-axis-tic-element)
  "Print tics for X axis."
    (insert X-axis-leading-spaces)
    (insert X-axis-tic-symbol)  ; Under first column.
    ;; Insert second tic in the right spot.
    (insert (concat
              (-  (* symbol-width X-axis-label-spacing)
                  ;; Insert white space up to second tic symbol.
                  (* 2 (length X-axis-tic-symbol)))
              ? )
    ;; Insert remaining tics.
    (while (> number-of-X-tics 1)
      (insert X-axis-tic-element)
      (setq number-of-X-tics (1- number-of-X-tics))))

The line of numbers is equally straightforward:

First, we create a numbered element with blank spaces before each number:

(defun X-axis-element (number)
  "Construct a numbered X axis element."
  (let ((leading-spaces
         (-  (* symbol-width X-axis-label-spacing)
             (length (number-to-string number)))))
    (concat (make-string leading-spaces ? )
            (number-to-string number))))

Next, we create the function to print the numbered line, starting with the number "1" under the first column:

(defun print-X-axis-numbered-line
  (number-of-X-tics X-axis-leading-spaces)
  "Print line of X-axis numbers"
  (let ((number X-axis-label-spacing))
    (insert X-axis-leading-spaces)
    (insert "1")
    (insert (concat
              ;; Insert white space up to next number.
              (-  (* symbol-width X-axis-label-spacing) 2)
              ? )
             (number-to-string number)))
    ;; Insert remaining numbers.
    (setq number (+ number X-axis-label-spacing))
    (while (> number-of-X-tics 1)
      (insert (X-axis-element number))
      (setq number (+ number X-axis-label-spacing))
      (setq number-of-X-tics (1- number-of-X-tics)))))

Finally, we need to write the print-X-axis that uses print-X-axis-tic-line and print-X-axis-numbered-line.

The function must determine the local values of the variables used by both print-X-axis-tic-line and print-X-axis-numbered-line, and then it must call them. Also, it must print the carriage return that separates the two lines.

The function consists of a varlist that specifies five local variables, and calls to each of the two line printing functions:

(defun print-X-axis (numbers-list)
  "Print X axis labels to length of NUMBERS-LIST."
  (let* ((leading-spaces
          (make-string full-Y-label-width ? ))
       ;; symbol-width is provided by graph-body-print
       (tic-width (* symbol-width X-axis-label-spacing))
       (X-length (length numbers-list))
          ;; Make a string of blanks.
          (-  (* symbol-width X-axis-label-spacing)
              (length X-axis-tic-symbol))
          ? )
         ;; Concatenate blanks with tic symbol.
        (if (zerop (% X-length tic-width))
            (/ X-length tic-width)
          (1+ (/ X-length tic-width)))))
    (print-X-axis-tic-line tic-number leading-spaces X-tic)
    (insert "\n")
    (print-X-axis-numbered-line tic-number leading-spaces)))

You can test print-X-axis:

  1. Install X-axis-tic-symbol, X-axis-label-spacing, print-X-axis-tic-line, as well as X-axis-element, print-X-axis-numbered-line, and print-X-axis.

  2. Copy the following expression:

     (let ((full-Y-label-width 5)
           (symbol-width 1))
        '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16))))

  3. Switch to the `*scratch*' buffer and place the cursor where you want the axis labels to start.

  4. Type M-: (eval-expression).

  5. Yank the test expression into the minibuffer with C-y (yank).

  6. Press RET to evaluate the expression.

Emacs will print the horizontal axis like this:

     |   |    |    |    |
     1   5   10   15   20

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C.4 Printing the Whole Graph

Now we are nearly ready to print the whole graph.

The function to print the graph with the proper labels follows the outline we created earlier (see section A Graph with Labelled Axes), but with additions.

Here is the outline:

(defun print-graph (numbers-list)
  (let ((height  ...
    (print-Y-axis height ... )
    (graph-body-print numbers-list)
    (print-X-axis ... )))

Changes for the Final Version  A few changes.
C.4.1 Testing print-graph  Run a short test.
C.4.2 Graphing Numbers of Words and Symbols  Executing the final code.
C.4.3 A lambda Expression: Useful Anonymity  How to write an anonymous function.
C.4.4 The mapcar Function  Apply a function to elements of a list.
C.4.5 Another Bug ... Most Insidious  Yet another bug ... most insidious.
C.4.6 The Printed Graph  The graph itself!

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Changes for the Final Version

The final version is different from what we planned in two ways: first, it contains additional values calculated once in the varlist; second, it carries an option to specify the labels' increment per row. This latter feature turns out to be essential; otherwise, a graph may have more rows than fit on a display or on a sheet of paper.

This new feature requires a change to the Y-axis-column function, to add vertical-step to it. The function looks like this:

;;; Final version.
(defun Y-axis-column
  (height width-of-label &optional vertical-step)
  "Construct list of labels for Y axis.
HEIGHT is maximum height of graph.
WIDTH-OF-LABEL is maximum width of label.
VERTICAL-STEP, an option, is a positive integer
that specifies how much a Y axis label increments
for each line.  For example, a step of 5 means
that each line is five units of the graph."
  (let (Y-axis
        (number-per-line (or vertical-step 1)))
    (while (> height 1)
      (if (zerop (% height Y-axis-label-spacing))
          ;; Insert label.
          (setq Y-axis
                  (* height number-per-line)
        ;; Else, insert blanks.
        (setq Y-axis
               (make-string width-of-label ? )
      (setq height (1- height)))
    ;; Insert base line.
    (setq Y-axis (cons (Y-axis-element
                        (or vertical-step 1)
    (nreverse Y-axis)))

The values for the maximum height of graph and the width of a symbol are computed by print-graph in its let expression; so graph-body-print must be changed to accept them.

;;; Final version.
(defun graph-body-print (numbers-list height symbol-width)
  "Print a bar graph of the NUMBERS-LIST.
The numbers-list consists of the Y-axis values.
HEIGHT is maximum height of graph.
SYMBOL-WIDTH is number of each column."
  (let (from-position)
    (while numbers-list
      (setq from-position (point))
       (column-of-graph height (car numbers-list)))
      (goto-char from-position)
      (forward-char symbol-width)
      ;; Draw graph column by column.
      (sit-for 0)
      (setq numbers-list (cdr numbers-list)))
    ;; Place point for X axis labels.
    (forward-line height)
    (insert "\n")))

Finally, the code for the print-graph function:

;;; Final version.
(defun print-graph
  (numbers-list &optional vertical-step)
  "Print labelled bar graph of the NUMBERS-LIST.
The numbers-list consists of the Y-axis values.

Optionally, VERTICAL-STEP, a positive integer,
specifies how much a Y axis label increments for
each line.  For example, a step of 5 means that
each row is five units."
  (let* ((symbol-width (length graph-blank))
         ;; height is both the largest number
         ;; and the number with the most digits.
         (height (apply 'max numbers-list))
          (if (zerop (% height Y-axis-label-spacing))
            ;; else
            (* (1+ (/ height Y-axis-label-spacing))
         (vertical-step (or vertical-step 1))
             (* height-of-top-line vertical-step))

     height-of-top-line full-Y-label-width vertical-step)
     numbers-list height-of-top-line symbol-width)
    (print-X-axis numbers-list)))

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C.4.1 Testing print-graph

We can test the print-graph function with a short list of numbers:

  1. Install the final versions of Y-axis-column, graph-body-print, and print-graph (in addition to the rest of the code.)

  2. Copy the following expression:

    (print-graph '(3 2 5 6 7 5 3 4 6 4 3 2 1))

  3. Switch to the `*scratch*' buffer and place the cursor where you want the axis labels to start.

  4. Type M-: (eval-expression).

  5. Yank the test expression into the minibuffer with C-y (yank).

  6. Press RET to evaluate the expression.

Emacs will print a graph that looks like this:

10 -

        **   *
 5 -   ****  *
       **** ***
     * *********
 1 - *************

     |   |    |    |
     1   5   10   15

On the other hand, if you pass print-graph a vertical-step value of 2, by evaluating this expression:

(print-graph '(3 2 5 6 7 5 3 4 6 4 3 2 1) 2)

The graph looks like this:

20 -

        **   *
10 -   ****  *
       **** ***
     * *********
 2 - *************

     |   |    |    |
     1   5   10   15

(A question: is the `2' on the bottom of the vertical axis a bug or a feature? If you think it is a bug, and should be a `1' instead, (or even a `0'), you can modify the sources.)

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C.4.2 Graphing Numbers of Words and Symbols

Now for the graph for which all this code was written: a graph that shows how many function definitions contain fewer than 10 words and symbols, how many contain between 10 and 19 words and symbols, how many contain between 20 and 29 words and symbols, and so on.

This is a multi-step process. First make sure you have loaded all the requisite code.

It is a good idea to reset the value of top-of-ranges in case you have set it to some different value. You can evaluate the following:

(setq top-of-ranges
 '(10  20  30  40  50
   60  70  80  90 100
  110 120 130 140 150
  160 170 180 190 200
  210 220 230 240 250
  260 270 280 290 300)

Next create a list of the number of words and symbols in each range.

Evaluate the following:

(setq list-for-graph
           (directory-files "/usr/local/emacs/lisp"
                            t ".+el$"))

On my machine, this takes about an hour. It looks though 303 Lisp files in my copy of Emacs version 19.23. After all that computing, the list-for-graph has this value:

(537 1027 955 785 594 483 349 292 224 199 166 120 116 99
90 80 67 48 52 45 41 33 28 26 25 20 12 28 11 13 220)

This means that my copy of Emacs has 537 function definitions with fewer than 10 words or symbols in them, 1,027 function definitions with 10 to 19 words or symbols in them, 955 function definitions with 20 to 29 words or symbols in them, and so on.

Clearly, just by looking at this list we can see that most function definitions contain ten to thirty words and symbols.

Now for printing. We do not want to print a graph that is 1,030 lines high ... Instead, we should print a graph that is fewer than twenty-five lines high. A graph that height can be displayed on almost any monitor, and easily printed on a sheet of paper.

This means that each value in list-for-graph must be reduced to one-fiftieth its present value.

Here is a short function to do just that, using two functions we have not yet seen, mapcar and lambda.

(defun one-fiftieth (full-range)
  "Return list, each number one-fiftieth of previous."
 (mapcar '(lambda (arg) (/ arg 50)) full-range))

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C.4.3 A lambda Expression: Useful Anonymity

lambda is the symbol for an anonymous function, a function without a name. Every time you use an anonymous function, you need to include its whole body.


(lambda (arg) (/ arg 50))

is a function definition that says `return the value resulting from dividing whatever is passed to me as arg by 50'.

Earlier, for example, we had a function multiply-by-seven; it multiplied its argument by 7. This function is similar, except it divides its argument by 50; and, it has no name. The anonymous equivalent of multiply-by-seven is:

(lambda (number) (* 7 number))

(See section The defun Special Form.)

If we want to multiply 3 by 7, we can write:

(multiply-by-seven 3)
 \_______________/ ^
         |         |
      function  argument

This expression returns 21.

Similarly, we can write:

((lambda (number) (* 7 number)) 3)
 \____________________________/ ^
               |                |
      anonymous function     argument

If we want to divide 100 by 50, we can write:

((lambda (arg) (/ arg 50)) 100)
 \______________________/  \_/
             |              |
    anonymous function   argument

This expression returns 2. The 100 is passed to the function, which divides that number by 50.

See section `Lambda Expressions' in The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, for more about lambda. Lisp and lambda expressions derive from the Lambda Calculus.

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C.4.4 The mapcar Function

mapcar is a function that calls its first argument with each element of its second argument, in turn. The second argument must be a sequence.

The `map' part of the name comes from the mathematical phrase, `mapping over a domain', meaning to apply a function to each of the elements in a domain. The mathematical phrase is based on the metaphor of a surveyor walking, one step at a time, over an area he is mapping. And `car', of course, comes from the Lisp notion of the first of a list.

For example,

(mapcar '1+ '(2 4 6))
     => (3 5 7)

The function 1+ which adds one to its argument, is executed on each element of the list, and a new list is returned.

Contrast this with apply, which applies its first argument to all the remaining. (See section Readying a Graph, for a explanation of apply.)

In the definition of one-fiftieth, the first argument is the anonymous function:

(lambda (arg) (/ arg 50))

and the second argument is full-range, which will be bound to list-for-graph.

The whole expression looks like this:

(mapcar '(lambda (arg) (/ arg 50)) full-range))

See section `Mapping Functions' in The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, for more about mapcar.

Using the one-fiftieth function, we can generate a list in which each element is one-fiftieth the size of the corresponding element in list-for-graph.

(setq fiftieth-list-for-graph
      (one-fiftieth list-for-graph))

The resulting list looks like this:

(10 20 19 15 11 9 6 5 4 3 3 2 2
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4)

This, we are almost ready to print! (We also notice the loss of information: many of the higher ranges are 0, meaning that fewer than 50 defuns had that many words or symbols--but not necessarily meaning that none had that many words or symbols.)

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C.4.5 Another Bug ... Most Insidious

I said `almost ready to print'! Of course, there is a bug in the print-graph function ... It has a vertical-step option, but not a horizontal-step option. The top-of-range scale goes from 10 to 300 by tens. But the print-graph function will print only by ones.

This is a classic example of what some consider the most insidious type of bug, the bug of omission. This is not the kind of bug you can find by studying the code, for it is not in the code; it is an omitted feature. Your best actions are to try your program early and often; and try to arrange, as much as you can, to write code that is easy to understand and easy to change. Try to be aware, whenever you can, that whatever you have written, will be rewritten, if not soon, eventually. A hard maxim to follow.

It is the print-X-axis-numbered-line function that needs the work; and then the print-X-axis and the print-graph functions need to be adapted. Not much needs to be done; there is one nicety: the numbers ought to line up under the tic marks. This takes a little thought.

Here is the corrected print-X-axis-numbered-line:

(defun print-X-axis-numbered-line
  (number-of-X-tics X-axis-leading-spaces
   &optional horizontal-step)
  "Print line of X-axis numbers"
  (let ((number X-axis-label-spacing)
        (horizontal-step (or horizontal-step 1)))
    (insert X-axis-leading-spaces)
    ;; Delete extra leading spaces.
     (- (1-
         (length (number-to-string horizontal-step)))))
    (insert (concat
              ;; Insert white space.
              (-  (* symbol-width
                    (number-to-string horizontal-step)))
              ? )
              (* number horizontal-step))))
    ;; Insert remaining numbers.
    (setq number (+ number X-axis-label-spacing))
    (while (> number-of-X-tics 1)
      (insert (X-axis-element
               (* number horizontal-step)))
      (setq number (+ number X-axis-label-spacing))
      (setq number-of-X-tics (1- number-of-X-tics)))))

If you are reading this in Info, you can see the new versions of print-X-axis print-graph and evaluate them. If you are reading this in a printed book, you can see the changed lines here (the full text is too much to print).

(defun print-X-axis (numbers-list horizontal-step)
  "Print X axis labels to length of NUMBERS-LIST.
Optionally, HORIZONTAL-STEP, a positive integer,
specifies how much an X  axis label increments for
each column."
;; Value of symbol-width and full-Y-label-width
;; are passed by `print-graph'.
  (let* ((leading-spaces
          (make-string full-Y-label-width ? ))
       ;; symbol-width is provided by graph-body-print
       (tic-width (* symbol-width X-axis-label-spacing))
       (X-length (length numbers-list))
          ;; Make a string of blanks.
          (-  (* symbol-width X-axis-label-spacing)
              (length X-axis-tic-symbol))
          ? )
         ;; Concatenate blanks with tic symbol.
        (if (zerop (% X-length tic-width))
            (/ X-length tic-width)
          (1+ (/ X-length tic-width)))))

     tic-number leading-spaces X-tic)
    (insert "\n")
     tic-number leading-spaces horizontal-step)))

(defun print-graph
  (numbers-list &optional vertical-step horizontal-step)
  "Print labelled bar graph of the NUMBERS-LIST.
The numbers-list consists of the Y-axis values.

Optionally, VERTICAL-STEP, a positive integer,
specifies how much a Y axis label increments for
each line.  For example, a step of 5 means that
each row is five units.

Optionally, HORIZONTAL-STEP, a positive integer,
specifies how much an X  axis label increments for
each column."
  (let* ((symbol-width (length graph-blank))
         ;; height is both the largest number
         ;; and the number with the most digits.
         (height (apply 'max numbers-list))
          (if (zerop (% height Y-axis-label-spacing))
            ;; else
            (* (1+ (/ height Y-axis-label-spacing))
         (vertical-step (or vertical-step 1))
             (* height-of-top-line vertical-step))
     height-of-top-line full-Y-label-width vertical-step)
        numbers-list height-of-top-line symbol-width)
    (print-X-axis numbers-list horizontal-step)))

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C.4.6 The Printed Graph

When made and installed, you can call the print-graph command like this:

(print-graph fiftieth-list-for-graph 50 10)

Here is the graph:

1000 -  *
 750 -  ***
 500 - *****
 250 - ********
       *********                     *
       ***********                   *
       *************                 *
  50 - ***************** *           *
       |   |    |    |    |    |    |    |
      10  50  100  150  200  250  300  350

The largest group of functions contain 10 -- 19 words and symbols each.

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