If the state of disorder of the system changes with time, the speckle pattern will change, thus by studying the time dependence of the scattered intensity at a fixed wavevector, one can probe the dynamics of materials in thermodynamic equilibrium or out of equilibrium. Figure 2 shows the potential of XPCS for exploring the dynamics of various processes in condensed matter system in an uncharted area of time scale and reciprocal space. The potential for discovering new types of dynamical phenomenon at atomic length scales makes it a very exciting new field of research.
Fig. 1: A speckle pattern of Cu3Au (100) measured at room temperature
after the sample had been ordered for 16 hours.
This ordering was necessary to observe
sufficient intensity from the weak scattering of the initially
small Cu3Au domains. The grey scale displayed shows detected
counts per pixel, for a 2 minutes exposure at a standard current of 200 mA.
The beam was collimated with a 7.5 micron pinhole to preserve the
transverse coherence of the X-ray beam.
Figure 2: The region of wavevector-energy space covered by various techniques
is indicated. XPCS would provide a unique probe in a previously
inaccessible region. Thise figure is borrowed from Steve Dierker's review
of XPCS in the July 1995 version of the NSLS Newsletter (see p6).
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Récemment modifié le 21/06/23, par Eric Dufresne.