Sector 7 Incident Beam Imaging for 7ID
Sector 7 Incident Beam Imaging for 7ID
Complete video microscope systems for long working distance
- Specifications of the new Watec Monochrome Camera LCL-903HS.
This camera is a much improved redesign of the Watec 502A camera we have at
beamline. It has more TV lines (570 vs 400), lower sensitivity
(0.0002 vs 0.05 Lux),
a more solid BNC video connector, and many features
selectable by dip switches.
They cost 420$ at Edmunds, these are worth
getting. They still sell also the 502A,
for about 200$ and
with a two weeks lead time.
- Specifications of the Supercircuit Monochrome Camera PC164C.
This camera was first procured in May 2003. It also has low light
sensitivity 0.0003 lux as the Watec, a nice housing and possibly a more
reliable electrical connection. At 130$, they are truly disposable cameras.
Bernhard Adams brought it to my attention and lended one to us. It is C-mount.
Wikipedia on C-mount versus CS-mount lens systems.
Note the 5-mm-thick spacer needed to mount a CS-mount
lens to a C-mount camera.
Useful reference on YAG:Ce imaging
Paper by Andreas Koch et. al, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A Vol. 15, No. 7 p 1940 July 1998 (APS access only)
- An Imaging System for Focusing Tests of Li Multi-Prism
X-ray Refractive Lenses
E. M. Dufresne, D.A. Arms, N.R. Pereira, P. Ilinski, and R. Clarke,
Proceedings of the International Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation
Conference SRI2003 in San Francisco August 2003,
AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 705, Melville New York, p780-783, April
6 (2004).(ISBN 0-7354-0180-2)
Recent developments in computed tomography at GSECARS (restricted access)
Mark Rivers, SPIE Volume 7804 (2010).
White beam imaging of an Undulator A beam at the APS
The Old Mirror Filter 1 tank now removed from 7ID was equipped with viewing
capabilities for the white beam and the singly reflected beam from the
Pt/Rh coated mirror in the tank. This optical system was described in a
2000 APS Activity Report. This system was based on two achromat used with
the focal plane of each lens at either the YAG:Ce scintialltor screen position
or the camera. It had a long telescope between the lenses where the beam is
parallel, i.e. focused at infinity. Below is the Optical Density required for a
Neutral Density Filter to observe the beams with a regular video camera
and this optical system.
Pink beam imaging
The Mirror Filter 2 tank is equipped with viewing capabilities for the pink
beam and the monochromatic beam.
Monochromatic beam imaging
The imaging here uses a YAG, 500 micron thick, and 1:1 imaging of the YAG
fluorescence onto a Watec CCD camera. For the monochromatic beam I found that
filters are needed to prevents saturation. Below are some of the filter choice
in various conditions of operation. On some occasion irises have been used as
well to reduce the intensity and improve the resolution.
Location Camera Filter Comments
7ID-C Watec 502A OD=1??
7ID-B Watec LCL-903HS OD=3 iris used to reduce the light.
7ID-A-MF2 Watec 502A OD=2.5
The amount of filtering depends on the intensity of the beam and the sensitivity
of the camera.
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Récemment modifié le 30 juin 2015,
par Eric Dufresne, Bldg 432D Rm E009, 252-0274,.