Index of directory:
dxpLinux.txt: Useful EPICS notes on triggering the system.
dxp-small.gif (Main control screen of DXP-MCA EPICS control.)
dxp-full.gif (full screen of the DXP parameters)
s7_fit_peaks.txt: file made by P. Ilinsky during the initial calibration
071104-ROI1-8.gif: final ROI 1-8 for J. Penner-Hahn's group.
Cu-1.25us_10umslit_eV.png: Calibration data of the Cu ka lines with 1.25 us peaking time.
Fe+Cu-calib-0.50us-10umslit.gif: Linear calibration curve using the Fe and Cu ka lines with 0.5 us peaking time.
xrf004.png: typical time series using the dxp
071104: Error message during crash of EPICS server on 7/11/04