% FFTEST - Tests the Flatfield Data and generates the Flatfield % correction image with the standard deviation of each pixel % % [Im , <sigma>, <info>] = fftest(ImStack, <fileOut>, <printer>) % % Im : Flatfield correction image, normalized around 1 to correct % a pixel's' different quantum efficiency for incoming photons. % sigma : Standard deviation of each pixel of Im (ideally, this reflects % the counting statistics of each pixel, normalized to the mean % of Im). % info : struct-variable with additionanal information of the analysis % of the flatfield: % info.mean : Mean value of all flatfields % info.low : lower count-acceptance tolerance % info.up : upper count-acceptance tolerance % info.tol : tolerance percentage of outliers % info.bad : number of bad pixels % % ImStack : Flatfield data, generated by fillstack % fileOut : optional output-"mat"-file, with the fields % ff_dat.ff_mask = Im; % ff_dat.ff_err = sigma; % ff_dat.ff_info = info; % default is ff_corr.mat % printer : optional argument which specifies the printer. default is % WBBA_005_1 % % <argument> depicts an optional argument %========================================================================== % Further info for function FFTEST % -------------------------------- % Function subroutine: % ------------------- % % HISTSUMMASK - gets the histmask from the summed histmasks of each and % every ff image taken. % % POISSON - calculates a theoretical poisson distribution and delivers the % value at position x % %========================================================================== % % FUNCTION: fftest.m % ========== % % $Date: 2006/12/11 12:39:40 $ % $Author: pauli_s $ % $Revision: 1.2 $ % $Source: /import/cvs/X/PILATUS/X04SA/App/lib/X_PILATUS_X04SA_Matlab/fftest.m,v $ % $Tag: $ % % % Author(s): S. Pauli (SP) % Co - Authors Roger Herger (RH), Christian Schlepuetz (CS) % Address: Swiss Light Source (SLS) % Paul Scherrer Institute % CH - 5232 Villigen PSI % Created: 2006/02/20 % % Change Log: % ----------- % % 2006/02/20 (SP) % - created % % 2006/02/22 (SP) % - changed Input to just ImStack, instead of the same variables, as % fillstack has % % 2006/03/09 (SP) % - added printing and saving dialog and set the plots on 2 figures % % 2006/04/05 (SP) % - optimized input and presentation, axis of first histogram are now % changeable, output will be saved in a file % % 2006/05/06 (SP) % - Saved file is a mat-file, mask and maskerror as struct, added printer % input in input arguments % % 2006/12/07 (SP) % - Made the graphical output nicer % - Added a theoretical poissonian into the histogram plot % - added output-variable info %========================================================================== % %% Main function - fftest % ====== function [Im sigma info]=fftest(ImStack,fileOut,printer) %% check input arguments % is there 1 input arguments? error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin)); if (nargin < 3) printer = 'WBBA_005_1' ; %printer = 'WSLA_X04_2' ; %printer = 'WLGA_227_1' ; if (nargin < 2) fileOut='ff_corr.mat'; end; end; % check if ImStack has 3 dimensions if (ndims(ImStack) ~= 3) error(strcat('Invalid input for ''Stack'' in function ', ... ' immerge.\nUse ''help immerge'' for further', ... ' information.\n'), ... '') end; % Some variables read out of the input variables [ydim xdim zdim] = size(ImStack); %% check output argument % are 1 to 3 output arguments specified? error(nargoutchk(1, 3, nargout)); %% Calculating and plotting of a histogram % with counting statistic of each pixel of the stack fprintf(1,'Preparing histogram...'); set(0,'DefaultFigureWindowStyle','docked'); fig1 = figure; % --- % preparing of the stack and making a histogram shstack = reshape(ImStack,1,[])'; % vector with cts per pixel peak = mean(shstack); % mean value of shstack xmax = 3*round(peak); % the maximal value of histogram bins bin = 0:1:xmax; [hdat,bdat]=hist(shstack,bin); %---- % find the position of the histogram's maximal value m=max(hdat(2:size(hdat,2)-1)); peak = find(hdat==m); sigp = sqrt(peak); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.06 0.72 0.38 0.22]); bar(bdat,hdat); grid on; hold on; xlim([-2 xmax]); xlabel('#counts'); ylabel('#pixels'); plot(1:1:xmax , ... length(shstack)*poisson(1:1:xmax,find(hdat==max(hdat))),'r'); title({'Average counting-rate of each pixel';... [' over ',num2str(zdim),' images']}); ylim([0 1.1*max( ... length(shstack)*poisson(1:1:xmax,find(hdat==max(hdat))) )]); clear shstack bdat hdat; %% Input dialog for changing the axis fprintf(1,'done\n'); axReply = input(['Do you want to change the ',... 'limits of the x- and y-axes? y/n [n]: '],'s'); if isempty(axReply) axReply = 'n'; end; ylimits = get(gca,'ylim'); if (axReply=='y') reply = 'n'; axmin = -2; axmax = xmax; aymax = ylimits(2); while (reply ~='y') rpAxmin = ... input(['Set lower x - limit [',int2str(axmin),']: ']); if ~isempty(rpAxmin) axmin = rpAxmin; end; rpAxmax = ... input(['Set upper x - limit [',int2str(axmax),']: ']); if ~isempty(rpAxmax) axmax = rpAxmax; end; while (axmax < axmin) rpAxmax = ... input(['Set UPPER!!! x - limit [',int2str(axmax),']: ']); if ~isempty(rpAxmax) axmax = rpAxmax; end; end; rpAymax = ... input(['Set upper y - limit [',int2str(aymax),']: ']); if ~isempty(rpAymax) aymax = rpAymax; end; axis([axmin axmax 0 aymax]); reply = input('Are the axis OK? y/n [y]: ', 's'); if isempty(reply) reply = 'y'; end; end; end; info.mean = peak; %% Input dialog for the limits of the histogram reply = 'n'; loLim = round((peak-6*sigp)/10)*10; hiLim = round((peak+6*sigp)/10)*10; while (reply ~='y') rpLoLim = input(... ['Set lowest acceptable counting level [',int2str(loLim),']: ']); if ~isempty(rpLoLim) loLim = rpLoLim; end; line([loLim,loLim],[0,ylimits(2)],'Color','b'); rpHiLim = input(... ['Set highest acceptable counting level [',int2str(hiLim),']: ']); if ~isempty(rpHiLim) hiLim = rpHiLim; end; line([hiLim,hiLim],[0,ylimits(2)],'Color','b'); reply = input('Are these values OK? y/n [y]: ', 's'); if isempty(reply) reply = 'y'; elseif (reply ~='y') line([loLim,loLim],[0,ylimits(2)],'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); line([hiLim,hiLim],[0,ylimits(2)],'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); end; end; info.low = loLim; info.up = hiLim; clear peak; %% Calculation of the Tolerance and plot the # of bad pix fprintf(1,'Calculating Tolerance Graph...\n'); % Calculation of the Tail [maskimgout, summedmask, nbp] = ... histsummask(ImStack, [loLim hiLim], 1); tol=zdim; j=1; pixct = 0; n = 0; while (tol>0) [maskimgout, summedmask, nobadpix] = ... histsummask(ImStack, [loLim hiLim], tol); pixct(j) = nobadpix ; n(j) = zdim-tol ; fprintf(1,strcat(int2str(zdim-tol),', ')); tol=tol-1; if (nobadpix ~=0) if (tol < zdim-5) && (nobadpix < 2*nbp) && ... ( ( (oldnobadpix-nobadpix) /nobadpix) <0.25) && (tol~=0) if (tol>20) if (tol<zdim/2) tol=1; else tol=tol-9; end; else tol=1; end; end; end; j=j+1; oldnobadpix=nobadpix; if (tol==0) [maskimgout, summedmask, nobadpix] = ... histsummask(ImStack, [loLim hiLim], 0); pixct(j) = nobadpix ; n(j) = zdim-tol ; fprintf(1,strcat(int2str(zdim-tol),'\n')); end; end; axes('units','normalized','position',[0.56 0.72 0.38 0.22]); plot((zdim-n)/zdim*100,pixct); view(180,-90); grid on; title('Incidence of bad pixels vs. tolerance'); ylimits = get(gca,'ylim'); xlimits = get(gca,'xlim'); yl = (ylimits(2)-ylimits(1))/20; text(xlimits(1),ylimits(2)-yl,{['total no. of pixels: ', ... int2str(xdim*ydim)];'Definition of tolerance:'; ... 'e.g. 80% means 4 out of 5 times';... 'the pixel lies within the ';... 'acceptable counting rates'},... 'HorizontalAlignment','right', ... 'VerticalAlignment','top'); xlabel('Tolerance'); ylabel('Bad Pixels'); %% Input dialog for the limit of tolerance reply = 'n'; tolLim = 98; while (reply ~='y') rpTolLim = ... input(['Set Tolerance limit in % [',int2str(tolLim),'%]: ']); if ~isempty(rpTolLim) tolLim = rpTolLim; end; line([tolLim,tolLim],ylimits,'Color','r'); reply = input('Is that value OK? y/n [y]: ', 's'); if isempty(reply) reply = 'y'; else line([tolLim,tolLim],ylimits,'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); end; end; clear pixct; info.tol = tolLim; %% Calculating the mask with the user-given tolerance fprintf(1,'Calculating the mask...'); [MaskImgOut, summedmask, nobadpix] = ... histsummask(ImStack, [loLim hiLim], round(tolLim/100*zdim)); info.bad = nobadpix; fprintf(1,'done\nCalculating the corrected flatfield and error...'); [Im,sigma] = makeffcorr(ImStack,MaskImgOut); clear summedmask; ff_dat.ff_mask = Im; ff_dat.ff_err = sigma; ff_dat.ff_info = info; save(fileOut,'-struct','ff_dat'); %% Calculating the std.deviation of one pixel and plot the deviationfield fprintf(1,'done\nCalculating z-direction standard-deviation...'); timeErr=std(ImStack,0,3); sCop=mean2(timeErr); ax1 = axes('units','normalized','position',[0.06 .39 0.6 .22]); cTol=round(sqrt(sCop)); image(timeErr,'CDataMapping','scaled'); set(gca,'clim',[sCop-3*cTol sCop+3*cTol]); axis([0 xdim 0 ydim]); colormap(pilatus) axis off; title('Standard Deviation (SD) of each Pixel'); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.68 .39 0.04 .22]); handle = gca; colorbar(handle,'peer',ax1); %% Find the worst pixel and a mean pixel and plot all their values maxErr=max(max(timeErr.*MaskImgOut)); [indMaxErrX,indMaxErrY] = find(timeErr == maxErr); [indMeanErrX,indMeanErrY] = ... find((timeErr > sCop-0.0001) & (timeErr < sCop+0.0001) ); j=-3; while isempty(indMeanErrX) [indMeanErrX,indMeanErrY] = ... find((timeErr.*MaskImgOut > sCop-10^(j)) & ... (timeErr.*MaskImgOut < sCop+10^(j)) ); j=j+1; end; axes('units','normalized','position',[0.06 0.06 0.38 0.22]); plot(squeeze(ImStack(indMaxErrX,indMaxErrY,:)),'Color','r'); xlim([1 zdim]); ax1 = gca; set(ax1,'XColor','r','YColor','r') ax2 = axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'),'XAxisLocation','top',... 'YAxisLocation','right','Color','none', ... 'XColor','b','YColor','b'); grid on; hold on; plot(squeeze(ImStack(indMeanErrX(1),indMeanErrY(1),:)),... 'Color','b','Parent',ax2); xlim([1 zdim]); title('The worst pixel and a typical pixel'); %% Plotting a histogram over the std.deviation of every pixel edges=0:1:3*sCop+1; [hisTimeErr binTimeErr]=hist(reshape(timeErr,[],1),edges); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.78 0.39 0.16 0.22]); bar(binTimeErr,hisTimeErr); xlim([-1 3*sCop+1]); title({'Histogram of the';'SD error image (left)'}); set(gca,'YAxisLocation','right'); clear timeErr; %% Plots a histogram of the worst and a typical pixel loMeanAx=fix(min(squeeze(ImStack(indMeanErrX(1),indMeanErrY(1),:)))); hiMeanAx=round(max(squeeze(ImStack(indMeanErrX(1),indMeanErrY(1),:)))); binMeanAx=round((hiMeanAx-loMeanAx)/50); hisMeanTick=loMeanAx:binMeanAx:hiMeanAx; [hMeanDat nMeanBin]= ... hist(squeeze(ImStack(indMeanErrX(1),indMeanErrY(1),:)),hisMeanTick); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.56 0.06 0.16 0.22]); bar(nMeanBin,hMeanDat); axis([loMeanAx-1 hiMeanAx+1 0 max(hMeanDat)+1]); title('Typical Pixel'); xlimits = get(gca,'xlim'); set(gca,'XTick',... [xlimits(1) round((xlimits(1)+xlimits(2))/2) xlimits(2)]); loMaxAx=fix(min(squeeze(ImStack(indMaxErrX(1),indMaxErrY(1),:)))); hiMaxAx=round(max(squeeze(ImStack(indMaxErrX(1),indMaxErrY(1),:)))); binMaxAx=round((hiMaxAx-loMaxAx)/50); hisMaxTick=loMaxAx:binMaxAx:hiMaxAx; [hMaxDat nMaxBin]=... hist(squeeze(ImStack(indMaxErrX(1),indMaxErrY(1),:)),hisMaxTick); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.78 0.06 0.16 0.22]); bar(nMaxBin,hMaxDat); axis([loMaxAx-1 hiMaxAx+1 0 max(hMaxDat)+1]); title('Worst Pixel'); xlimits = get(gca,'xlim'); set(gca,'XTick',... [xlimits(1) round((xlimits(2)+xlimits(1))/2) xlimits(2)]); %% Printing and saving dialog reply = 'n'; ansPrint=''; printerNam = printer; PSnam = 'stats.eps'; while (reply ~='y') ansPrint = input('\nDo you want to print the Figure? [y] :','s'); if isempty(ansPrint) ansPrint = 'y'; end; if (ansPrint=='y') namPrint = input( ... ['What is the name of the printer? [',printerNam,'] : '],'s'); if isempty(namPrint) namPrint=printerNam; end; namPrint2=strcat('-P',namPrint); end; ansPS = input( ... 'Do you want to save the figure as an eps-file? [y] :','s'); if isempty(ansPS) ansPS = 'y'; end; if (ansPS=='y') namPS = input( ... ['How should the eps-file be called? [',PSnam,'] : '],'s'); if isempty(namPS) namPS=PSnam; end; end; reply = input('Are all inputs OK? y/n [y]: ', 's'); if isempty(reply) reply = 'y'; end; end; if (ansPrint == 'y') fprintf(1,'\nPrinting Statistics...'); print('-dpsc2',namPrint2,fig1) ; fprintf(1,'done'); end; if (ansPS == 'y') fprintf(1,'\nSaving Postscript file...'); print('-depsc2',fig1,namPS); fprintf(1,'done'); end; if ishandle(fig1) close(fig1); end; clear ansPrint ansPS namPS namPrint namPrint2; clear bin binTimErr cTol edges hMaxDat ax1 ax2; clear hiLim hiMaxAx hisMaxTick hiMeanAx hiMeanDat fig1 pos1; clear hisMeanTick hisTimeErr indMaxErrX indMaxErrY; clear indMeanErrX indMeanErrY j loLim loMaxAx loMeanAx maxErr maxPlot; clear n nMaxBin nMeanBin sigp; %% Calculating the mean flatfield fprintf(1,'\nCalculating Meanvalue of each pixel...'); fig2 = figure; sumStack = mean(ImStack,3); meanFf = mean2(sumStack); ssf = std2(sumStack)/meanFf; fprintf(1,'done'); ax1 = axes('units','normalized','position',[0.28 .725 0.6 .21]); imagesc(sumStack/meanFf); axis off; set(gca,'clim',[1-2*ssf 1+2*ssf]); title('Normalized, mean flatfield image') colormap(pilatus); %% Calculating 4 stripes through the flatfield and plot them uplim1 = round(ydim/2*rand(1)+ydim/2); lolim1 = uplim1 - 10; dimlim1 = uplim1 - lolim1 + 1; lolim2 = round(ydim/2*rand(1)); uplim2 = lolim2 + 10; dimlim2 = uplim2 - lolim2 + 1; line([0 xdim],[uplim1 uplim1],'Color','r'); line([0 xdim],[uplim2 uplim2],'Color','b'); line([0 xdim],[lolim1 lolim1],'Color','r'); line([0 xdim],[lolim2 lolim2],'Color','b'); lelim1 = round(xdim/2*rand(1)); rilim1 = lelim1 + 10; dimlim3 = rilim1 - lelim1 + 1; rilim2 = round(xdim/2*rand(1)+xdim/2); lelim2 = rilim2 - 10; dimlim4 = rilim2 - lelim2 + 1; line([lelim1 lelim1],[0 ydim],'Color','c'); line([lelim2 lelim2],[0 ydim],'Color','m'); line([rilim1 rilim1],[0 ydim],'Color','c'); line([rilim2 rilim2],[0 ydim],'Color','m'); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.9 .725 0.04 .21]); handle = gca; colorbar(handle,'peer',ax1); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.28 0.575 0.6 0.125]); plot(sum(sumStack(lolim1:uplim1,:)/meanFf/(dimlim1),1),'Color','r'); hold on; plot(sum(sumStack(lolim2:uplim2,:)/meanFf/(dimlim2),1),'Color','b'); xlim([0 xdim]); ylim([0.75 1.25]); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.06 0.725 0.16 0.21]); plot(sum(sumStack(:,lelim1:rilim1)/meanFf/(dimlim3),2),'Color','c'); hold on; plot(sum(sumStack(:,lelim2:rilim2)/meanFf/(dimlim4),2),'Color','m'); xlim([0 ydim]); ylim([0.75 1.25]); view(90,90); %% Calculating a corrected flatfield and plot it clear ax fprintf(1,'\nCalculating Corrected...'); corrStack = ImStack(:,:,round(zdim*(rand(1)))).*Im; meanCf = mean2(corrStack); fprintf(1,'done.'); ax1 = axes('units','normalized','position',[0.28 0.225 0.6 .21]); imagesc(corrStack/meanCf); axis off; set(gca,'clim',[1-2*ssf 1+2*ssf]); title('A flatfield-corrected, randomly chosen flatfield'); colormap(pilatus); line([0 xdim],[uplim1 uplim1],'Color','r'); line([0 xdim],[uplim2 uplim2],'Color','b'); line([0 xdim],[lolim1 lolim1],'Color','r'); line([0 xdim],[lolim2 lolim2],'Color','b'); line([lelim1 lelim1],[0 ydim],'Color','c'); line([lelim2 lelim2],[0 ydim],'Color','m'); line([rilim1 rilim1],[0 ydim],'Color','c'); line([rilim2 rilim2],[0 ydim],'Color','m'); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.9 .225 0.04 .21]); handle = gca; colorbar(handle,'peer',ax1); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.28 0.075 0.6 0.125]); plot(sum(corrStack(lolim1:uplim1,:)/meanCf/(dimlim1),1),'Color','r'); hold on; plot(sum(corrStack(lolim2:uplim2,:)/meanCf/(dimlim1),1),'Color','b'); xlim([0 xdim]); ylim([0.75 1.25]); axes('units','normalized','position',[0.06 0.225 0.16 0.21]); plot(sum(corrStack(:,lelim1:rilim1)/meanCf/(dimlim3),2),'Color','c'); hold on; plot(sum(corrStack(:,lelim2:rilim2)/meanCf/(dimlim4),2),'Color','m'); xlim([0 ydim]); ylim([0.75 1.25]); view(90,90); clear ydim xdim zdim %% Printing and saving dialog for the flatfield reply = 'n'; ansPrint=''; printerNam = printer; PSnam = 'flatfield.eps'; while (reply ~='y') ansPrint = input('\nDo you want to print the Figure? [y] :','s'); if isempty(ansPrint) ansPrint = 'y'; end; if (ansPrint=='y') namPrint = input(... ['What is the name of the Printer? [',printerNam,'] : '],'s'); if isempty(namPrint) namPrint=printerNam; end; namPrint2=strcat('-P',namPrint); end; ansPS = input('Do you want to save the Figure as an eps-file? [y] :','s'); if isempty(ansPS) ansPS = 'y'; end; if (ansPS=='y') namPS = input( ... ['How should the eps-file be called? [',PSnam,'] : '],'s'); if isempty(namPS) namPS=PSnam; end; end; reply = input('Are all inputs OK? y/n [y]: ', 's'); if isempty(reply) reply = 'y'; end; end; if (ansPrint == 'y') fprintf(1,'\nPrinting Flatfield...'); print('-dpsc2',namPrint2,fig2) ; fprintf(1,'done'); end; if (ansPS == 'y') fprintf(1,'\nSaving Postscriptfile...'); print('-depsc2',fig2,namPS); fprintf(1,'done'); end; clear ansPrint; clear ansPS; clear namPS; clear namPrint; clear namPrint2; if ishandle(fig2) close(fig2); end; fprintf(1,'\n'); end % of main function %% subfunction histsummask % ----------- % HISTSUMMASK - gets the histmask from the summed histmasks of each and % every ff image taken. % % % [MaskImgOut, <SummedMask>, <nobadpix>] % = histsummask(ImStackIn, thresh, tolerance, <MaskImgIn>) % % MaskImgOut: Maskimg based on tolerance factor operating on SummedMask. % Maskimg is 1 for all pixels above "tolerance", 0 otherwise % SummedMask: The sum of the n individual masks for each image. Each % image mask contains 1s where pixels that lie within the % limits set by vector "thresh", and zeros otherwise. % Therefore SummedMask is an array that contains integer % values between 0 and n (the number of ff images recorded, % and therefore also the size of the 3rd dimension of % ImStackIn. % nobadpix : Returns the number of bad pixels in MaskImgOut % ImStackIn : Input 3-D stack of images to mask % thresh : Vector containing both the lower (low) and higher (high) % thresholds, thresh = [low high]. Note: pixel intensities % identically equal to either low or high are accepted. % tolerance : integer number less than or equal to n, defining the % minimum number of times any given pixel has to lie within % the thresholds given by thresh. e.g., for a maximum number % of bad pixel events of 10% and 100 images in the stack, set % tolerance to 90. % MaskImgIn : Optional input mask to select only a part of your % ImStackIn, e.g. to work on a specific region of interest. % % <argument> depicts an optional argument function [MaskImgOut, SummedMask, nobadpix] = ... histsummask (ImStackIn, thresh, tolerance) [ydim xdim zdim]=size(ImStackIn); zdim; MaskImgOut = zeros ([ydim xdim]); % sum the zdim histograms of ImStackIn to create SummedMask a = histmask (ImStackIn, thresh); SummedMask = sum(a,3); % search for occasional hot pixels using the tolerance parameter indices = (SummedMask >= tolerance); MaskImgOut(indices) = 1; % sets bad pixels to zero % make Maskimg with ones for all nonzero elements, count nonzero elements % in Maskimg nobadpix = ydim * xdim - nnz(MaskImgOut); end % of histsummask %% subfunction poisson % ----------- % POISSON - calculates a theoretical poisson distribution and delivers the % value at position x % % out = poisson(x,lambda) % % out : the value at position x of the poissonian % % x : the position of which you want to habe the value of the % poissonian % lambda : the mean-value of the distribution function out = poisson(x,lambda) if lambda > 100 out = 1./sqrt(2*pi*x).*(lambda./x).^x.*exp(x-lambda); else out = lambda.^x ./ gamma(x+1).* exp(-lambda); end; end