These pictures were taken during a general user experiment in February 2016 by Q. Zhang. A small, vertically diffracting Huber 4-circle diffractometer is used in wide-angle XPCS experiments. Three circles control the sample angle (theta, limited chi and phi (+/- 18 deg), and one circle, the detector angle. It is mounted on a motorized table, and a good XYZ Huber stage enables user experimental set ups to be aligned in the beam. In these pictures, a user-supplied x-ray oven with accesories is mounted on this XYZ stage.More details on the sample stage is available here.
Two detectors are typically used at the end of the flight path: a Si PI CCD with direct detection, and an Oxford Cyberstar scintillation counter. The 7.35 keV incident coherent x-rays are spatially filtered and focused to a spot size of 4 microns (V) by 10 microns (H).